25.08.2020 ablo

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Dzwoni telefon - odbiore!
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The phone is ringing - I'll pick it up!
Wczoraj zdecydowałem - pojedziemy jutro do anglii
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Yesterday I decided - we are going to go to England tomorrow
musimy być dobrzy w tym co robimy
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we must be good at what we do
za darmo, bezpłatny
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for free, free of charge
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od poniedziałku jestem u babci
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I have been at grandma's since Monday
problemy związane z naszym biznesem
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problems connected with our business
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I would like to
w naszym miejscu nie ma żadnych produktów
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in our place there aren't any products
owoce egzotyczne
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exotic fruits
w większości
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a majority of / most ____

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