25. les avions

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question réponse
ça fait du bien
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it feels good
je crève de fatigue
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I die of fatigue
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to work
un remboursement de leur argent
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a refund of their money
ça devrait être normal
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it should be normal
les jeunes gens
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young people
les jeunes
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young people
les compagnies traditionnelles
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traditional companies
l’Union Européenne
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the European Union
le vent en poupe
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on the rise
une sieste
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a siesta
le décollage
Le décollage de l'avion a été interrompu.
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The aircraft's take-off was interrupted.
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the landing
trop lourd
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too heavy
combien ça pesait
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how much did it weigh
un bonhomme de neige
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a snowman
j’ai enlevé
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I took off
le siege
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a seat
en faveur des avions
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in favor of airplanes
la bagnole
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enlever un avion
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remove a plane
on a du mal à interpreter
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it's hard to interpret
à l’époque
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at the time
on est passé par l’Allemagne
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we went through Germany
appuyer la tête contre le hublot / le parois
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lean the head against the window / the walls
le cendrier
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un sacoche
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a satchel

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