25 popularnych fraz

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question réponse
Jak leci?
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How's it going?
Co porabiałeś?
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What've you been up to?
Jak się miewasz? Co u ciebie?
Jak się masz od ostatniego razu, gdy cię widziałem?
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How've you been? How've ya been?
How've ya been since last time I saw you?
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I have been/ I've been. I've been busy. I've been working. I've been sleeping a lot. I've been studying.
zasugerować: co powiesz na (coś)?
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to make a suggestion: How about (something)? How about dinner? How about we do this later? How bout we bake cookies?
Sposób na odrzucenie zaproszenia. Przepraszam, nie mogę.
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The way to refuse the invitation: Sorry, I can't. Sorry, I can't go.
Sposób na przyjęcie zaproszenia. Jasne, brzmi dobrze!
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The way to accept the invitation: Sure, sounds good! Sure, sounds nice! Sure, sounds great! Sure, sounds fantastic!
Czy chcesz ...?
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Do you want to ...? Do you wanna ...? D'ya wanna? D'ya wanna go to cinemma?
Jak to nazywasz? Jak to nazywasz?
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What do you call this? What'dya call this?
Jak dostać się do określonej lokalizacji? Jak dostać się na stację?
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How do I get to specific location? How do I get to the station?
Miłego wieczoru!
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Have a nice evening! Have a good evening!
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Have a good one!
Czy mogę coś prosić?
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Can I have sth, please? Can I have this tomato, please?
Poproszę 200 gramów wołowiny.
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200 grams of beef, please.
Poproszę 2 z tych niebieskich.
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2 of the blue ones, please.
Proszę, naucz mnie: Jak mam coś zrobić?
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Please, teach me: How do I do something? How do I use this computer? How do I turn on this car? How do I learn English?
Do której godziny jesteście otwarci?
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How late are you open? We're open 24 hours. When do you close?
Szybkie pytanie o harmonogram: Masz jakieś plany na...?
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Quick ask about schedule: Do you have any plans for weekend? Do you have any plans for dinner? Do you have any plans for Sunday afternoon?
Boli mnie coś
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My body part hurts. My arm hurts. My stomach hurts.
Ile to kosztuje? Ile one kosztują?
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How much is this? How much are these?
Co powiedziałeś?
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What did you say?
Co to znaczy?
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What does that mean?
Nie czuję się za dobrze.
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I don't feel so good.
Muszę się udać w konkretne miejsce. Muszę pójść do banku.
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I need to go to specific location. I need to go to the bank.
Muszę coś zrobić
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I have to do something. I have to study for my test.
Kiedy wyjeżdżamy?
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When are we leaving?

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