
 0    7 fiche    aruna21
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get crumbs. He doesn't want me to get crumbs on the seat
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nakruszyć (czymś), kruszyć (czymś)
crush. He sat on the bag and crushed its contents.
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miażdżyć, przygnieść, kruszyć
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pokruszyć, kruszyć, rozkruszyć, rozdrobnić, rozdrabniać
vital essential. Higher education is a vital requirement for this job
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niezbędny, decydujący, istotny
requirement. You need to fulfill these requirements to be employed for the position
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wymaganie wymóg
fulfill. Will you fill all of our demands?
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spełniać (np. warunek), realizować, wykonywać (zadanie),
obstacle. We've overcome all obstacles.
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