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To jest mój ulubiony napój
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It's my favorite drink
Koktail owocowy
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A fruit smoothie
Umiesz robić koktail?
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Can you make a smoothie?
To łatwe
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It's easy
Weź kilka truskawek
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Take several strawberries
Weź jedną brzoskwinię
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Take one peach
Weź jednego banana
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Take one banana
Weź trochę wody
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Take a bit of water
Włóż je do miksera
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Put them in the blender
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Hang on!
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Just a moment!
Banan ze skórą?
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A banana with its peel?
Oczywiście że nie!
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Of course not!
Banan bez skórki
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Banana without its peel
Truskawki bez listków
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Strawberries without their leaves
Brzoskwinia bez pestki
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A peach without its stone
Ze skórką
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With its peel
Włóż je do miksera
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Put them in a blender
Musze je najpierw umyć
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I have to wash them first
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Yes, you do
Musisz je umyć.
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You have to wash them.
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Weź mikser
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Take the blender
Dodaj trochę wody
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Add more water
Jakiej wody?
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What kind of water?
Zwykłej wody
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Normal water
Wody z kranu
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Tap water
Możesz używać wody mineralnej
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You can use mineral water
Jeśli chcesz
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If you want
I co dalej?
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And what next?
Wkładasz wszystko do miksera
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You put everything in the blender
Dodajesz wody
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You add water
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You blend
I gotowe!
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And it's ready!
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A cukier?
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And what about sugar?
Zapomniałeś o cukrze!
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You forgot about sugar!
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Nie zapomniałem
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I didn't forget
Nie zapomniałem o cukrze
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I didn't forget about sugar
Nie dodaję cukru
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I don't add sugar
Nie dodaję cukru do kawy
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I don't add sugar to my coffee
Nie dodaję cukru do koktailu
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I don't add sugar to my smoothie
Nie dodaję cukru do ciasta
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I don't add sugar to my cake
Nie lubię cukru
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I don't like sugar
Zamiast cukru jem suszone owoce
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Instead of sugar, I eat dried fruits

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