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complain about
He complains about bad quality of bricks.
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narzekać na
He claims that the next delivery will be on time.
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set / establish
I will set the date of the next meeting.
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set up
Cema was set up in 1995.
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założyć/ zainstalować
We ensure stable employment.
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This case is special.
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the reason why... is...
The reason why I work in Cema is opportunity to gain knowledge about castings.
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powodem, dla którego ... jest...
as for
As for my boss, I think, he is very nice.
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Jeśli chodzi o
I have placed an order for nozzles.
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These nozzles work in a boiler.
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piec / kocioł
less / fewer
He wants to eat less meat. / There were fewer people.
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Citizens voted during election.
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He wants to apply for USA citizenship.
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fall behind schedule
We are falling behind schedule. / We fell behind schedule last year. / We have fallen a little bit behind schedule but we will be back on track soon.
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mieć opóżnienie
We managed to catch up last week.
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udało nam się nadrobić zaległości w zeszłym tygodniu
catch up
We will try to catch up.
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dogonić / nadrobić
manage to
I managed to prepare a difficult offer yesterday.
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be back on track
We will be back on track soon.
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wrócić na właściwe tory
finish ahead of schedule
I think that we will manage to finish ahead of schedule.
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zakończyć przed terminem
allocate resources
I don't know who allocates resources in my company.
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alokować zasoby
stay within a budget
I didn't manage to stay within a budget.
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nie przekraczać budżetu
Task delegation is an important thing in a company.
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meet a deadline
I think that our team will meet the deadline.
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dotrzymać terminu
I would never get on with tasks.
I would never get on with this task, if he hadn't helped me.
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Nigdy nie skończyłabym
according to a plan
Monday meeting is going according to the plan.
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zgodnie z planem
keep fingers crossed
During watching a match, I kept my fingers crossed.
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trzymać kciuki
exceed the cost
The sales repersentative exceeded the cost of the order.
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przekroczyć koszt
The cost cannot exceed the profit.
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koszt nie może przekroczyć zysku
make up
I will make it up for you.
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I would like to apologise for the delay.
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