21.01.22 70%

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question réponse
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miałam dużo obowiązków
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I had a lot of duties
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będe miała 4 egzaminy
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I will have 4 exams
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musicale są warte obejrzenia
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musicals are worth watching
trudne w zrozumieniu
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hard to understand/ confusing
polecić młodym ludziom
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recommend to young people
3 z 10
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3 out of 10
z profesjonalnej perspektywy
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from a professional perspective
wrzucić do internetu
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upload/ put it on the internet
poleć go mojemu klientowi
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recommend him to my client
tu nie chodzi tylko o rekrutacje kogoś ale także o podpisanie umowy
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it is not only about recruiting someone but also about signing a contract

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