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1. He ignored her, and she ignored him likewise. 2. Watch what she does and then do likewise. adv - in the same way or a similar manner. commencer à apprendre
noun - 1. a legal wrangle. 2. There was a wrangle over the restaurant bill. / verb - They're still wrangling over money. noun - a long and complicated argument. / verb - to argue with someone for a long time. commencer à apprendre
kłótnia, spór / spierać się, awanturować
She was hesitant about returning to her home town. adj - If you are hesitant, you do not do something immediately or quickly because you are nervous or not certain. commencer à apprendre
noun - a loving embrace. / verb - She embraced her brother warmly. noun - the action of putting your arms around someone. / verb - to take (a person etc) in the arms; to hug. commencer à apprendre
uścisk, objęcie / obejmować, zawierać
1. The gas hissed through the pipes. 2. "Will you be quiet," she hissed. verb - 1. to make a long noise like the letter 's'. 2. to speak in an angry or urgent way. commencer à apprendre
I judge a person by their deeds, not their words. noun - something that you do; an act. commencer à apprendre
1. a rocket propelled through space. 2. The boat is propelled by a diesel engine. verb - to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force. commencer à apprendre
napędzać, wprawiać w ruch
1. The Prime Minister said that war was inevitable. 2. It was inevitable that his crime would be discovered. adj - If something is inevitable, you cannot avoid or prevent it. commencer à apprendre
nieunikniony, nieuchronny / nieuchronnie
1. He alluded to the remarks made by the previous speaker. 2. We will allude briefly to the main points. verb - (with to) formal to mention. commencer à apprendre
1. My shirt shrank in the wash. 2. Its forests have shrunk to almost half the size they were 10 years ago. verb - to become smaller, or to make something smaller. commencer à apprendre
His silence is tantamount to an admission of guilt. adj - having the same effect as; equivalent to. commencer à apprendre
1. The UK's Bafta Awards are roughly equivalent to the Oscars. 2. A metre/meter is not quite equivalent to a yard. adj - equal in amount, value, importance, or meaning. commencer à apprendre
równoważny, odpowiadający
1. House prices have soared. 2. The birds were soaring high above. verb - 1. to increase to a high level very quickly. 2. to move quickly and smoothly in the sky, or to move quickly up into the sky. commencer à apprendre
wznosić się wysoko, iść do góry, szybować
The town’s water supply has been contaminated by chemicals from the factory. verb - to make something dirty or poisonous. commencer à apprendre
1. Would you mind swapping places with me? 2. We swapped phone numbers. / noun - Let's do a swap. verb - to give something to someone and get something from them in return. / noun - an act of exchanging one thing for another. commencer à apprendre
1. The committee convenes three times a year. 2. The President decided to convene a meeting. verb - to arrange a meeting, or to meet for a meeting. commencer à apprendre
1. All these interruptions hinder my work. 2. His performance at the Olympics was hindered by a knee injury. verb - to make it difficult to do something or for something to develop. commencer à apprendre
1. i 2. a reckless driver. adj - doing something dangerous and not caring about what might happen. 2. very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences. commencer à apprendre
The thief’s accomplice warned him that the police were coming. noun - a person who helps another, especially in crime. commencer à apprendre
1. The city walls were built to repel invaders. 2. Oil repels water. verb - 1. to resist or fight (an enemy) successfully. 2. to force to move away. commencer à apprendre