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question réponse
Co myślisz o tym?
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What do you think about it?
O czym?
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About what?
O tej kurtce
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About this jacket
Jest ładna
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It's nice
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Myślisz, że jest ładna?
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Do you think it's nice?
Właśnie tak powiedziałem
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That's what I said
Nie jestem pewna
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I'm not sure
Co myślisz o tym kolorze?
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What do you think about this colour?
To ładny kolor
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It's a nice color
Co myślisz o innym kolorze?
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What do you think about a different colour?
Też jest ładny
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It's nice too
Co myślisz o czerwonym?
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What do you think about red?
Lubię czerwony
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I like red
Ty wszystko lubisz!
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You like everything!
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Yes, I do
To prawda
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It's true
Lubię czerwony i niebieski
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I like red and blue
Lubię żółty i zielony
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I like yellow and green
Lubię życie
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I like life
Po prostu
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That's it
Nie mogę się zdecydować
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I can't decide
Pomóż mi
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Help me
Jak mogę ci pomóc?
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How can I help you?
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Niebieska kurtka
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A blue jacket
I czerwona kurtka
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And a red jacket
Potrzebujesz nową kurtkę?
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Do you need a new jacket?
Chyba tak
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I think so
Potrzebuję nowej kurtki
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I need a new jacket
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Ile kurtek masz?
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How many jackets do you have?
Trudne pytanie
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It's a difficult question
No właśnie!
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Masz dużo ubrań
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You have a lot of clothes
Nie potrzebujesz nowej kurtki
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You don't need a new jacket
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Masz rację
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You're right
Ty masz zawsze rację
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You're always right
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I know
Ja mam zawsze rację
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I'm always right
I zawsze jestem zadowolony
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And I'm always happy
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I see

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