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question réponse
a slut
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la golfa fulana ramera puta zorra prostituta
the school board
commencer à apprendre
la junta escolar
How was preschool?
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¿Cómo te fue en la guarderia?
Unfortunately we will need to reschedule.
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Por desgracia tendremos que reagendar.
wine tasting
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cata de vinos
El viernes iremos a una cata de vinos.
without a job
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sin empleo, sin curro (ESP)
I tell her.
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Le digo.
to handwash
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lavar a mano
a robbery
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un robo, atraco
we went to
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fuimos a
it rains
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about 8
commencer à apprendre
hacia las 8, alrededor de las 8
to distinguish between 2
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diferenciar, distinguir entre
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a satisfaction poll
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una encuesta de satisfaccion
a term, semster
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un semestre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
a touristic season
commencer à apprendre
una temporada turística
a resort
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un resort
related to
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relacionado con
a headmaster
commencer à apprendre
un director
salty sticks
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palitos salados
a ferret
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un hurón
borrow a book
commencer à apprendre
pedir un libro prestado
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Es un niño alegre y juguetón
when it gets dark
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cuando oscurece
holding her
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commencer à apprendre
an injection
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una inyección
we couldn't talk
commencer à apprendre
no pudimos hablar
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a delayed plane
commencer à apprendre
un avión retrasado
a chain
commencer à apprendre
una cadena
an excuse
commencer à apprendre
una excusa
I want to get rid of
commencer à apprendre
Quiero deshacerme de
in advance
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por adelantado
stick out the tongue
commencer à apprendre
sacar la lengua
commencer à apprendre
el terciopelo
a trailer
commencer à apprendre
un remolque

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