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She infects me
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Ella me contagia
She steals her identity
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Ella roba su identidad
the basement
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el sótano
She left a message
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Ella dejó un mensaje
it was buried
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estaba enterrado/enterrada
ride a bike
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Montar bici
the hood (of the car)
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El capó
a stream, a brook
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an arroyo
to come round
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recuperar la consciencia
a gunshot
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el disparo
She had no bullets
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Ella no tenia balas
The gun wasn't loaded
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El arma no estaba cargada
They were killed
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Fueron asesinados
She was fired
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Fue despedida
I've seen
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He visto
to book
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a driver
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el conductor
They don't follow the law
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No siguen las normas/reglas
in the dark
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en la oscuridad, a oscuras, En lo oscuro
an inn
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una posada
in love with him
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enamorada de él
They suffered hunger.
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Pasaron hambre
medical supplies
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suministros médicos
a historian
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un historiador
a viewer
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un espectador
a housekeeper
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una ama de llaves
a pier
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un muelle
Mi yate está amarrado en el muelle deportivo. Ahora ellos están en el muelle del lago
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de repente
Pero de repente, aparece un hombre con la cara tristísima

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