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to ban prohibit
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The treatment cost 20 dollars yestarday
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El tratamiento costó 20 dólares ayer
She made such a mess
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Ella hizo un desmadre total/desastre
one dosage of the medicament
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una dosis del medicamento
a magnet
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un imán
She was great during the visit.
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Estuvo genial durante la cita.
the curfew
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el toque de queda
El gobierno militar impuso el toque de queda a todos los civiles.
She hasn't put on the coat.
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No se ha puesto el abrigo.
Have you ever been to Mexico?
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¿Has estado alguna vez en México? ¿Has estado en México alguna vez?
Have you cleaned up your room?
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¿Has limpiado/ordenado/recogido tu habitación?
The day before yesterday she got sick.
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Anteayer se enfermó/se puso enferma.
at dusk nightfall
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al anochecer
The TV show premiered on 25th December 2020
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La serie se estrenó el 25 de diciembre de 2020
washing powder
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el jabón en polvo
a hostel
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el hostal
the etymology
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la etimología
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to kick
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patear, patalear, dar una patada
have curly hair (Maya)
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tener el pelo chino
a to-do list
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la lista de tareas pendientes
a bogeyman
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el coco
a negative attitude
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una actitud negativa
to meddle
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unusual 3
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inusual raro atípico atípica
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I don't have anything more to do
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No tengo nada mas que hacer
true love
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amor verdadero
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accidentalmente, por accidente
throw a tantrum 2
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Hacer una rabieta, hacer un berrinche
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eficientemente, de manera eficiente

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