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I can't hurry this task
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I can't hurry this task ?
No puedo apurar/apresurar esta tarea
No rush!
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¡Sin prisa/apuro! Ningún apuro! no tengo ninguna prisa
I left in a rush
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Salí deprisa.
a leech
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una sanguijuela, chupasangre
Shauna es una sanguijuela, siempre consigue que el resto pague por sus cosas.
I came (have come) to make up/make amends.
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Vine a hacer las paces.
in the middle of
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en el medio de/en la mitad de
half the amount
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el medio de la cantidad/la mitad de la cantidad
I'm sorry to disturb you
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Siento molestarte/Lamento molestarte
she gets worse
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ella empeora
I was furious
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Estaba/estuve furiosa
I have bad aim.
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Tengo mala puntería.
meet my expectations
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cumplir con mis expectativas
a small headache
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una jaqueca
to invest
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the tourists
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los turistas
to deny, I deny
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negar, yo niego
I have things to do
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Tengo cosas que hacer
I have bad aim.
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Tengo mala puntería.
the soup goes off
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la sopa se hecha a perder
to go off (food)
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hecharse a perder
the government
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el Gobierno
go to the checkout
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ir a la caja
I made a mess
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Hice un desastre
the day before yesterday I refused to go.
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anteayer me negué a ir.
She asked me to visit her
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Ella me pidió que la visitara (subjuntivo imperfecto)
I regret doing something
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Me arrepiento de haber hecho algo
Me arrepiento de haber roto nuestros votos matrimoniales
That's what matters/counts
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Eso es lo que importa. Eso es lo principal.
Only to call myself.
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Solo para llamarme a mí misma.
a post
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una publicación
to consult my problems
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consultar mis problemas
a channel
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el canal
to keep talking
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continuar/seguir hablando
a diploma
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un diploma
go camping
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ir de camping
an exception
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una excepción
let's do it
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vamos a hacerlo, hagamoslo

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