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have stage fright
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tiene pánico/miedo escénico
an interior designer
commencer à apprendre
un diseñador de interiores
reach an agreement
commencer à apprendre
llegar a un acuerdo
a permanent marker
commencer à apprendre
un rotulador permanente
have a nice voice
commencer à apprendre
tener una voz agradable
a changing room
commencer à apprendre
un vestuario
commencer à apprendre
the stage, phase
commencer à apprendre
la etapa, la fase
a kite
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una cometa
to drown, suffocate, choke
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el se ahogó.
Don't pout.
commencer à apprendre
No hagas pucheros.
a New Year resolution
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un propósito/una resolución de año nuevo
on purpose
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a propósito/de propósito
No te golpeé de/a propósito, perdón.
an ax
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un hacha (una grande hacha)
to sew
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a dent
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una abolladura
El coche tiene una abolladura. El coche esta abollado.
lust, carnal desire
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la lujuria
a ruler
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una regla
a caterpillar
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una oruga
a night out
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una velada
to roar
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a file, documents
commencer à apprendre
un expediente
bland, tastless, boring
commencer à apprendre

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