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question réponse
iść spać
commencer à apprendre
turn in; retire
I want you to turn in and get a good night's sleep.
zwrócić się do kogoś
commencer à apprendre
turn to someone
When his business went bankrupt, Ken turned to his brohter for help.
przynieść zysk
commencer à apprendre
turn over
This company's doing very well, and turned over a profit of $4 milion last year.
donieść na kogoś
commencer à apprendre
turn somebody in
He turned his friend in on the police station.
odrzucać (ofertę), odmawiać (komuś)
commencer à apprendre
turn down
She turned down my invitation.
wyrzucić kogoś (np. z mieszkania
Właściciel wyrzucił lokatora za nie płacenie czynszu.
commencer à apprendre
turn someone out
The landlord turned the tenant out for not paying the rent.

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