2 I can tell the time

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What's the time?
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Która jest godzina?
What time is it?
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Która godzina?
It's four o'clock.
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Jest czwarta.
It's quarter past nine.
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Jest kwadrans po dziewiątej.
It's four fifteen
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Jest czwarta piętnaście
It's half past four.
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Jest 04:30.
It's four thirty
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Jest czwarta trzydzieśc
It's quarter to five
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Jest kwadrans do piątej
It's three minutes to seven
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Jest za trzy siódma
9 a.m
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9 rano
Nine o'clock in the morning
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Dziewiąta rano
12.00 p.m. - midday
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12.00 - w południe
5 p.m. - five o'clock in the afternoon
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17.00 - piąta po południu
7p.m. - seven o'clock in the evening
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19.00 - siódma wieczorem
7.57 - nearly / almost eight o'clock
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7,57 - prawie / prawie ósma
8.02 - just after eight
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8.02 - tuż po ósmej
11.30 p.m. - eleven thirty at night
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23:30 - jedenasta trzydzieści w nocy
12.00 a.m. - midnight
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12.00 - północ

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