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Skórka chleba
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Crust of bread
A hard outer layer, like on bread, the Earth, or a wound. "The crust of the bread was golden and crispy." Synonyms: shell, layer, coating.
The chef hesitated, but he had to trust the crust. If it failed, his whole pizza empire would collapse!
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Scamper away
To run quickly with short, light steps, like a child or animal. "The rabbit scampered away into the bushes." Synonyms: dash, dart, scurry.
The camper scampered away when he saw the camper van
Pośród chaosu
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Amidst the chaos
To be in the middle of something, often surrounded by it. "He remained strong amidst the storm." Synonyms: among, in the middle of, surrounded by.
Amidst a mist, he got lost in the forest."
Pucołowate policzki
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Chubby cheeks
A little fat in a cute way, often used for babies or pets. "The chubby puppy rolled on the grass." Synonyms: plump, pudgy, round.
That chubby cat eats way too many treats
Kopiec ziemi
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Mound of dirt
A raised pile of something, like dirt or sand, or a small hill. "The farmer stood on a mound of hay." Synonyms: pile, heap, hill.
A hound sat on a mound, looking around.
Uczestniczyć we Mszy Świętej
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Attend Holy Mass
A religious service held during Christmas celebrations. "They sang carols at Holy Mass." Synonyms: Christmas Mass, Midnight Mass.
She worked out before Holy Mass to gain muscle mass
Zbesztać dziecko
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Scold a child
To criticize or reprimand someone for their behavior. "She scolded him for making a mess." Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, lecture.
She scolded him for leaving the door open in the cold.
Snucie opowieści
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Spin a yarn
A long thread used for knitting or a long, exaggerated story. "She used red yarn for the scarf while telling an old family yarn." Synonyms: thread, tale, story.
The old man spun a yarn as he played with a ball of yarn."
Nakaz eksmisji
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Eviction notice
Being forced to leave a home or place, usually by law. "After losing his job, he faced eviction from his apartment." Synonyms: expulsion, removal, ejection.
His addiction led to eviction—he lost his home because of bad habits.
Pieczone kasztany
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Roasted chestnuts
A type of tree or nut, or something old and overused (like a joke). "We roasted chestnuts by the fire." Synonyms: brown (color), cliché (idiom), horse chestnut (tree).
"A squirrel 'chased nuts' all day, looking for the perfect chestnut."
Błagać o litość
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Implore for mercy
To beg someone very strongly for something. "He implored her to stay, but she left." Synonyms: beg, plead, urge.
"Before you ignore me, I implore you to listen!"
Pogardliwe spojrzenie
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Scornful glance
To strongly dislike and show no respect for something. "He scorned their foolish ideas and walked away." Synonyms: disdain, contempt, ridicule.
He threw the corn on the floor with scorn—he hated vegetables!"
pobieżne spojrzenie
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cursory glance
Done quickly and without much attention to detail. Like a quick look or a brief examination. Synonyms: superficial, brief, quick.
Cursor sorry" - when your cursor moves over the word "sorry" so quickly that you barely see it,
Taczka z ziemią
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Wheelbarrow of soil
A small cart with one wheel and two handles, used for carrying things. Like a tool you use to move dirt or bricks. Synonyms: barrow, handbarrow.
Wheel bear row" - Imagine a bear pushing a row of wheels - that's a wheelbarrow.
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Pasture land
An area of grassland where animals graze. Like a field where cows or sheep eat grass. Synonyms: grassland, meadow.
Past sure" - Imagine you are "sure" animals have been in the "past" in this place, because it is their pasture.
Skandal niewierności
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Infidelity scandal
The act of being unfaithful to a spouse or partner. Like breaking a promise of loyalty in a relationship. Synonyms: unfaithfulness, betrayal.
In fidelity" - the "in" suggests a lack of fidelity, therefore it is infidelity
Wierność zasadom
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Fidelity to principles
Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief. Like being loyal and trustworthy. Synonyms: loyalty, faithfulness.
Fidel's city" - Imagine that Fidel Castro was extremely "faithful" to his "vision of the city" (Cuba), which symbolizes fidelity.
Kawałek mięsa
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Hunk of meat
A large piece of something. An attractive, muscular man. Like a big piece of bread or a strong guy. Synonyms: chunk, piece, attractive man.
Honk trunk - trunk of a tree being "honked" off, leaving a "hunk" of meat
Zawiłość projektu
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Intricacy of design
The quality of being complex or detailed. Like many small, complicated parts. Synonyms: complexity, detail.
In tricky sea" - Imagine trying to navigate "in a tricky sea" with many complex currents and details, representing the intricacy.
Okropny śmiech
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Hideous laughter
Extremely unpleasant or frightening laughter. Like a laugh that makes you feel scared or disgusted. Synonyms: ghastly laughter, terrifying laughter.
Hide us laughter" - Imagine the laughter is so frightening that people want to "hide us" from it.
Wiszący sopel lodu
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Icicle hanging
A hanging piece of ice formed by freezing dripping water. Like a sharp, frozen drip. Synonyms: ice spike, ice dagger.
Ice cycle" - Imagine "icicles" forming in a continuous "cycle," much like a snake eating its own tail, as the melting water refreezes.
Zszargana reputacja
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Tainted reputation
To spoil or stain something, making it impure or bad. "The lie tainted their friendship forever." Synonyms: stain, blemish, corrupt.
The paint was tainted with radioactive waste, glowing in the dark.
leże smoka
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dragon den
A hidden place where animals or people stay. "The fox ran into its den to escape." Synonyms: cave, hideout, lair.
She turned his basement into a den for gaming.
Skarbnica wiedzy
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Repository of knowledge
A place where things are stored, like knowledge, objects, or data. "The museum is a repository of history." Synonyms: storage, archive, vault.
A rest-o’-the-story is kept in the repository!
Zanieczyszczona woda
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Contaminated water
Something that is dirty or unsafe due to harmful substances. "The river was contaminated by chemicals." Synonyms: polluted, tainted, impure.
Koń Tammy needs clean water, but is contaminated!"
oszust i złodziej
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con and thief
To deceive or trick someone, usually for money or personal gain. "He conned me out of my savings." Synonyms: deceive, trick, scam, fraud.
He got caught in a con game, now he’s gone!"
Nieskazitelny stan
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Immaculate condition
Perfectly clean, tidy, or free from flaws. Like something that is completely spotless or flawless. Synonyms: spotless, flawless, perfect.
I'm a clock! I'm ejaculate" - Imagine a perfectly functioning, "immaculate" clock, where every part is precise and clean.
Przekazać wiadomość
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Convey a message
To make ideas, feelings, or information known to someone. Like passing a message or showing how you feel. Synonyms: communicate, express.
Imagine trying to "convey" to your family that you are "gay"
Trasa podróży
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Itinerary for the trip
A detailed plan for a journey, listing places to visit and activities. Like a schedule for your trip. Synonyms: schedule, plan.
It in air" - Imagine your "itinerary" written literally "in the air" as you plan your travels.
Podobiznę przywódcy
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Effigy of the leader
A sculpture or model of a person. Like a symbolic representation of someone. Synonyms: image, representation.
Imagine someone saying "Eff it, G!" while burning an "effigy" representing that person.
Odosobniona plaża
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Secluded beach
Hidden away from places where people usually go. Like a quiet, private place. Synonyms: isolated, remote.
In the secluded lake, naked women were included
Przeskakiwać między tematami
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Flit between topics
To move quickly and lightly from place to place. "The butterfly flitted between the flowers." Synonyms: dart, skim, flicker.
The little bird did a quick flit, like a fleeting thought
Owinąć niemowlę
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Swaddle a baby
To wrap tightly, usually to keep warm or secure. "She swaddled the baby in a soft blanket." Synonyms: wrap, bundle, envelop.
She swaddled herself in a thick blanket, looking like a burrito.
Skąpe skanowanie
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Scant scan
Very little of something, not enough. "He gave scant attention to the details." Synonyms: little, sparse, insufficient.
A scant scan of the room showed there was barely anything left.
Rzekoma prawda
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Supposed truth
Believed to be true, but not necessarily. "The supposed thief was actually innocent." Synonyms: alleged, presumed, assumed
He was supposedly composed, but inside he was nervous.
Ukryta zatoczka
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Hidden cove
A small, sheltered bay or a cozy hidden place. "The boat drifted into a peaceful cove." Synonyms: bay, inlet, nook
"A dove found a cozy cove by the sea.
domniemane przestępstwo
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alleged crime
Something claimed but not yet proven to be true. "He is the alleged thief, but the court hasn't decided yet." Synonyms: supposed, claimed, unconfirmed
The judge pledged to find the truth about the alleged crime
Nawiązać do tajemnicy
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Allude to a mystery
To mention something indirectly, without saying it clearly. "She alluded to her plans without giving details." Synonyms: hint, suggest, refer
He didn't conclude, he only alluded!
Wycieczka z przewodnikiem
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Guided excursion
A short trip for fun or learning. "We took an excursion to the museum." Synonyms: trip, outing, journey
"During our excursion, we ex-cursed found the best version of ourselves!"

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