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Food provision
Provision" means providing necessary supplies, like food or resources. Imagine a group of explorers receiving crates full of food before a long journey—that’s provision!
Statek, podobnie jak sanie Świętego Mikołaja, wypełniony był prowiantem dla wioski.
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Like Santa’s sleigh, the ship was filled with provisions for the village.
Provision" sounds like "pro-vision"—imagine a chef with a magic vision, always knowing exactly what food is needed before a big feast!
Dryfujące szczątki
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Flotsam and jetsam
Flotsam" means floating wreckage or useless objects drifting in the water. Imagine broken pieces of a ship floating after a storm—that’s flotsam!
Niczym zagubione zabawki w wannie, szczątki dryfowały po oceanie.
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Like lost toys in a bathtub, flotsam drifted across the ocean.
Flotsam" sounds like "float-some"—imagine a pirate shipwreck with pieces of wood and treasure chests bobbing on the waves!
żywiołowe dziecko
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exuberant child
Exuberant" means full of energy, excitement, or overflowing with life. Imagine a puppy jumping, wagging its tail, and running in circles—that’s exuberance!
Jak podekscytowany szczeniak, była rozentuzjazmowana w dniu swoich urodzin.
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Like an excited puppy, she was exuberant on her birthday.
Exuberant" sounds like "zoo burst"—imagine a zoo where all the animals escape at once, running and playing wildly!
Odroczenie płatności
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Defer payment
Defer" means delaying something to a later time or letting someone else decide. Imagine a student asking to take an exam next month instead of today—that’s deferring!
Jak leniwy uczeń, odkładał odrabianie prac domowych na ostatnią chwilę.
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Like a lazy student, he deferred his homework until the last minute.
Defer" sounds like "de-fur"—imagine a cat postponing its grooming, saying, "I’ll clean my fur later!"
Smutny uśmiech
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Rueful smile
Rueful" means feeling or showing regret, often with a touch of sadness. Imagine a dog that just chewed up your shoes, looking at you with big, guilty eyes—that’s rueful!
Jak winny szczeniak uśmiechnął się żałośnie po rozbiciu wazonu.
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Like a guilty puppy, he gave a rueful smile after breaking the vase.
Rueful" sounds like "ruined and full"—imagine someone who just ate the last slice of cake, feeling both satisfied and guilty!
prawdziwy raj
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veritable paradise
Veritable" means something is truly what it is described as, often for emphasis. Imagine a dinner table so full of food that it looks like a royal banquet—that’s a veritable feast!
Jak królewski bankiet, kolacja była prawdziwą ucztą.
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Like a king’s banquet, the dinner was a veritable feast.
Veritable" sounds like "very table"—imagine a table so full of food that it can barely hold anything else!
Nieustanny hałas
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Incessant noise
Incessantly" means something happens all the time without stopping. Imagine a dripping faucet that never stops, no matter what you do—that’s incessant!
Jak kapiący kran, dziecko płakało nieustannie przez całą noc.
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Like a dripping faucet, the baby cried incessantly all night.
Incessantly" sounds like "in says ant-ly"—imagine an ant giving a speech that never ends, talking and talking forever!
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Insufferable" means so annoying or unpleasant that you can’t stand it. Imagine a mosquito buzzing in your ear all night—that’s insufferable!

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