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an explosion
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the Mayor
Który bagaż należy do pana?
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Which luggage is yours?
kto to jest?
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who is this?
co to jest?
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what is this?
kiedy masz urodziny?
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when's your birthday?
o której skonczysz
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what time will you finish
jak długo trwa podróż?
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how long is the journey?
jak długo to zajmie?
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how long will it take?
po co to jest?
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what is it for?
po co ten pośpiech?
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what's the rush for
Mieszkaniec miasta
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City inhabitant
który przeżył
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who survived
ukrywać się
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a cellar
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an attic
Nie było sensu próbować ucieczki
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There was no point in trying to escape.
to jedyny sposób
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that's the only way
chronić siebie
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protect yourself
zejść do podziemie
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go underground
Meteorolodzy opisali go jako „ścianę”. śmierć”
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Meteorologists described it as a "wall." Death"
Weekendowy wyjazd
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Weekend trip
stał się koszmarem dla Chada Harrisa.
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became a nightmare for Chad Harris.
przyczepa przewróciła się kilka razy
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the trailer overturned several times
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to help
złap go i trzymaj
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catch it and hold it
najgorszy możliwy
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the worst possible
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put something up
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zdawać sobie sprawe z czegoś
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be aware of something

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