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Myślę o tym
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I am thinking about it
On daje nadzieję
bez rodzajnika
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He is giving hope
Ona jutro wydaje przyjęcie
daje, a, szyk
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She is giving a party tomorrow
Mówię do ciebie
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I am talking to you
On rozmawia przez telefon
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He is talking on the phone
Dlaczego czekacie?
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Why are you waiting?
Mówisz o zwierzętach
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You are talking about animals
On próbował jeść
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He was trying to eat
Co państwo próbjują zrobić?
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What are you trying to do?
Dlaczego czekacie?
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Why are you waiting?
Ja ci to daję
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I am giving it to you
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I am coming in
On wkrótce przychodzi
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He is coming soon
On nie przychodzi
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He is not coming
Kot je
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The cat is eating
Kobieta je jajko
A, an
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A woman is eating an egg
Koń je jabłko
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The horse is eating an apple
Co się dzieje?
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What is happening?
Co się tu dzieje?
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What is happening here?
Wchodzę do pracy
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I am walking into work
Te zwierzęta idą bardzo powoli
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These animals are walking very slowly
Ta sama rzecz zawsze się dzieje
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The same thing is always happening
Nosiła okulary
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She was wearing glasses.
On ma na sobie białą koszulę
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He is wearing a white shirt
Oglądam telewizję
bez rodzajnika
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I am watching television

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