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commencer à apprendre
a very deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom
to fast
commencer à apprendre
abstain from Food and Drink; to voluntarily abstain from all or certain kinds of food or drink for a specified period.
commencer à apprendre
a unit of measurement for illuminance, which indicates how much light is cast on a surface
to dive into
commencer à apprendre
(1)to put your hand quickly into something such as a bag or pocket (2) to start or join in something without hesitating, or with enthusiasm
commencer à apprendre
(1) (of metal, etc.) that can be hit or pressed into different shapes easily without breaking or cracking (= starting to split); (2) a person or thing that is easily influenced, adaptable, or capable of being changed or controlled.
to suppress
commencer à apprendre
the idea of stopping or holding something back; reduce
commencer à apprendre
a state in which a person has not had enough sleep; suffering from a lack of sufficient sleep;
to meet halfway
commencer à apprendre
phrase emphasizes cooperation and willingness to consider the other person's perspective.
commencer à apprendre
the length of time that something lasts or continues
commencer à apprendre
a long thin piece of material like string that goes through the holes on a shoe and is used to fasten it
trip over
commencer à apprendre
lose balance and fall because you accidentally hit your foot against something on the ground
lean in
commencer à apprendre
o physically move one's body forward or towards something

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