19.03.31 - was, were +/-/?

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question réponse
Ja byłam w bibliotece wczoraj
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I was at the library yesterday
My matwiliśmy sie o Ciebie
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We were worried about you
To był niesamowity film
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It was an awersome film
W muzeum było wielu ludzi
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There were a lot of people at the museum
Mama Tato i Babcia byli na moim przyjęciu
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Mama, Dad and Grandma were at my party
Z moim rowerem był problem
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There was a problem with my bike
Tato nie był w pracy wczoraj
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Dad wasn't at work yesterday
Ja nie byłam w parku
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I wasn't at the park
W autobusie nie było żadnych ludzi
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There weren't any people on the bus
Moi bracia nie byli w kinie
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My brothers weren't at the cinema
Ty nie spóźniłeś sie
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You weren't late
Nie było dla nas stolika w kawiarni
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There wasn't a table for us at the cafe
Czy oni byli w restauracji?
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Were they at the restaurant?
Czy w lodówce było mleko?
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Was milk in the fridge?
Czy ty i tata byliście na stadionie?
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Were you and dad at the stadium?
Czy były jakieś mufinki?
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Were there any muffins?
Czy mama była w supermarkecie?
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Was mother at the supermarket?
Czy w torbie byłą butelka wody?
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Was there a bottle of water in the bag?

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