19. Lesson - World's hairiest man

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From the age of seven he was cast in movies
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to _____ sb in a movie is to choose the person to play in it
... ended in acrimony when the director said he was not sufficiently attractive
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formal feelings of anger between people who disagree strongly and do not like each other; Pol. uszczypliwość, zajadłość
I failed the audition because I am not good looking enough
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a short performance by an actor, singer etc that someone watches to judge if they are good enough to act in a play, sing in a concert etc
He needed extensive work on his eyes, nose and lips
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large in size, amount, or degree
Yu has small, single-lidded eyes
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an eylid; Pol. powieka
the bridge of your nose
The tip of his nose is too big and the bridge is not high enough.
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the upper part of your nose between your eyes
win over
he will win over his audience with his "friendly features
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to get someone's support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them
he will win over his audience with his "friendly features
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[usually plural] a part of someone's face, such as their eyes, nose etc.
have issues with sb/sth
He said his girlfriend had no issues with his hirsute appearance
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if you _______ sb or sth, you do not agree with or approve of them
He said his girlfriend had no issues with his hirsute appearance
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humorous having a lot of hair on your body and face; Pol. włochaty
Yu Zhenhuan goes to a Hangzhou beautician to have some laser treatment on his hair
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someone whose job is to give beauty treatments to your skin, hair etc

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