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question réponse
nabrałeś mnie
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you got me
oni wszyscy
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all of them
oni wszyscy sa ze mna bo Cris ich opuścił
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All of them are with me because Cris left them
pod jednym warunkiem
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in one condition
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zrobić coś ponownie
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do sth over
ona musiala zrobić swoje zadanie domowe ponownie
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She had to do her homework over
ponownie wykonam to ćwiczenie
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I will do the exercise over
w pewnym sensie
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in a way
w pewnym sensie jestes kobieta
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in a way you are a woman
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zalety i wady czegoś
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the pros and the cons of sth
sprawdź tę krótką listę zalet i wad poniżej
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check out this short list of pros and cons below
gadka szmatka
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chit chat
ogromna liczba ludzi
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great number of people
szczegółowe cechy
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detailed qualites
będziesz mógł z nimi rozmawiać
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you'll able to hold a conversation with them
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trema pierwszwj ranki
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first day jitters
anonimowość Internetu
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anonymity of the internet
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kontynuować karierę
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pursue a career
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