18 Home styles, lifestyles

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question English réponse English
breathe (new) life into sth
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to bring new ideas and energy to something
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very important and serious
na śmierć i życie
a dog's life
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a very unhappy and unpleasant life
life in the fast lane
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a way of living that is full of excitement, activity, and often danger
make yourself at home
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to relax and make yourself comfortable in someone else's home
hit home
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to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is
nothing to write home about
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not exciting or special
home truth
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a true but unpleasant fact about yourself that another person tells you
on the house
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If you have something (...), it is given to you free by a business
get on like a house on fire
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If two people (...), they like each other very much and become friends very quickly
granny flat
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a set of rooms, often connected to or part of a relation's house, in which an old person lives
tower block
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a tall building divided into apartments or offices
nie: high-rise
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a tall modern building with many floors
social housing
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houses and flats that are owned by local government or by other organizations that do not make a profit, and that are rented to people who have low incomes
council house
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a house that is owned by the local council and rented to people at a low rent
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an expensive apartment or set of rooms at the top of a hotel or tall building
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(...) buildings or areas are in very bad condition
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An (...) room, house, or other building has no furniture in it
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containing furniture or containing furniture of a particular type
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a small home that is dirty and in bad condition
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to live in an empty building or area of land without the permission of the owner

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