17 marzec

 0    17 fiche    IrenaAjrin
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question réponse
dwa razy na tydzień
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two times a week
myślę że to ważne
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I think it is important
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muszę robić więcej notatek
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I must take more notes
w tym tygodniu
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this week
4 razy na dzień
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4 times a day
robić zdjęcie
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take a photo
co on ma zamiar robić?
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what is he going to do?
on zamierza wziać prysznic
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he is going to take a shower
co ona teraz robi?
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what is she doing now?
każdy chce przyjść
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everybody wants to come
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inna koszulka
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another T-shirt
inne koszulki
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other T-shirts
on mówi
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he says
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next to

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