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świeże spojrzenie
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fresh take
That's a fresh take.
iść po coś, osiągnąć coś
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go for something
What vibe would you go for?
talent krawiecki
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tailoring talent
ostry styl (np. w modzie)
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edgy flair
to wear clothes
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to rock clothes
normal Tuesday
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regular Tuesday
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przemijający, ulotny
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chłonąć coś
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to soak sth in
To rozsądne, dobre posunięcie
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That's a smart move.
To może zmieniać zasady gry w zakresie rozwoju umiejętności rozumienia ze słuchu.
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This could be a game changer for developing listening skills.
to be in bad situation
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to be in pinch
podgrzać atmosferę (w przenośni)
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to bring the heat
Those characters bring the heat.
I have to say (slang)
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I gotta say.
moments that take your breat away
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jaw dropping moments
nasza reakcja na różne sytuacje
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our reaction TO different situations
Not "for"!
everyday life
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day-to-day life
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zapewnić wszystkim rozrywkę
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to keep everyone entertained
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to develop
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to unfold
do wydania, ma być wydany (np. paszport)
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to be issued
wysłać w ciągu tygodnia
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to send WITHIN a week
1. zameldować się (w hotelu) 2. odprawić się (na lotnisku)
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to check in
Do you have any more luggage to check in?
dobytek, mienie, rzeczy osobiste
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ruszać się, iść dalej
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keep moving
Widziałem twoją reklamę/ogłoszenie w gazecie.
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I saw your ADD on the newspaper.
umowa najmu
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the lease contract
Jestem chora na samą myśl o tym.
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I feel sick just thinking about it.
klęska, prawdziwa katastrofa
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to face something
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to tackle
z oddali
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from afar
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a favourite person or thing
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to be timeless fave
to engage in risky or daring activities, seeking excitement.
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to live ON THE EDGE (with)
You are livin'on the edge with ski jumping.
narodzić się z konieczności
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born out of necessity
The best things are born out of necessity.
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most valuable player
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Pizza is the perfect excuse to gather around.
kontrolowanie czasu oglądania telewizji
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keeping the TV time IN CHECK

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