15th Affair (10-11)

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a hole-in-the-wall
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a bail
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to bail somebody out
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ratować kogoś; zapłacić kaucję za kogoś
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(osoba) hałaśliwy
in the open doorway
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w otwartych drzwiach
to mouth
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bezgłośnie poruszać ustami
to wave to get somebody's attention
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machać, żeby zwrócić czyjąś uwagę
adorable / loveable
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urocza / sympatyczna
a barell of laughs
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beczka śmiechu
to give something a good scrub
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porządnie coś wyszorować
a facial scrub
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peeling twarzy
rain or shine
whatever happens or whatever the weather is like Don’t worry. We’ll be there – rain or shine.
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bez względu na wszystko
to char
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a char
to char = to work as a char
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circumstances beyond my control
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okoliczności poza moją kontrolą
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to applaud
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to stamp your feet
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tupać rytmicznie stopami
be an accessory to something
be an accessory to an armed robbery
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być współwinnym czegoś
a bottle of booze
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butelka alkoholu
to set off the alarm
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włączyć alarm
absurdly high
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absurdalnie wysoki
to testify against somebody
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zeznawać przeciwko komuś
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a bedsheet
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to flip
To sell someone out to the police in order to save yourself from criminal charges. There's no way Mike would ever flip.
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to flip a coin
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rzucić monetą
to console somebody
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pocieszyć kogoś
a gulp
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to overestimate something
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przeceniać coś
ability to hold liquor
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zdolność do utrzymywania alkoholu, picai alkoholu
to stagger
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zataczać się
to pile up
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układać w stos
a morgue
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to prick up your ears
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nastawić uszy
to seethe with anger
to feel an emotion, especially anger, so strongly that you are almost shaking
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kipieć gniewem
an afterglow
a pleasant feeling that remains after a good experience afterglow of the afterglow of victory
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miłe wspomnienie
bedroom romps
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łóżkowe igraszki
to dump the remains of
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wyrzucić resztki
a Chineses take-out
a meal that you buy at a restaurant to eat at home SYN takeaway British English
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chińskie danie na wynos
a wastebasket
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kosz na śmieci
a footage
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materiał filmowy
a print-out
a sheet of paper with printed information on it, produced by a computer print-outs of all long-distance telephone calls
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to crack your knuckles
your knuckles are the joints in your fingers, including the ones where your fingers join your hands Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the gun.
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strzelić knykciami
to sit shoulder-to-shoulder
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siedzieć ramię w ramię
to get down to the nitty-gritty
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przejść do konkretów, do sedna sprawy
(of temples) pound
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(o skroniach) dudnić, walić
to hit pause
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nacisnąć pauzę
a quilted jacket
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kurtka pikowana
a bulky book
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gruba, opasła książka
a cursor
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to face away from the camera
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być odwróconym twarzą od kamery
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(sprzęt, paczka) pokaźnych rozmiarów
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niejasny, niewyraźny
to stoop
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pochylać się, garbić się
to reverse a footage
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cofnąć nagranie
to zoom in
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to have a new focus
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mieć nowy cel
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zręczność, sprawność
a shadowy past
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mroczna przeszłość
to smudge
if ink, writing etc smudges, or if you smudge it, it becomes dirty and unclear because it has been touched or rubbed Don’t touch it! You’ll smudge the ink.
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to make a screen shot
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zrobić zrzut ekranu
valet parking
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odstawianie samochodów na parking przez obsługę
(of car) to be registered to
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(o samochodzie) zarejestrowany na

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