15-Going without in Hungary

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question réponse
I'm not ready yet
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még nem vagyok kész
I don't have a car
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nem nincs autóm
I'm not going
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nem megyek
I do not eat
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nem eszem
I'm ready
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kész vagyok
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I have a car
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van autóm
I do not have a car
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nincs autóm
I don't like this restaurant
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nem tetszik ez az étterem
not really
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nem igazán
I like this restaurant
commencer à apprendre
tetszik ez az étterem
I don't really like cars
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nem igazán szeretem az autókat
Have you ever been to that French restaurant?
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Voltál már abban a francia étteremben?
my favorite restaurant is Subway
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A Subway a kedvenc étterem
the atmosphere of the restaurant has drawn a lot of customers lately
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az eterem légköre sok vendéget vonzott az utóbbi időben
I do not like beer
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nem szeretem a sőrt
the meat is ready
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Készen van a sült
the young girl really likes the puppies
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A kislánynak Nagyon tetszenek a kutyakölykök
are you going up?
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fel tetszik menni?
I like your hair
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tetszik a hajad
i really like this movie
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ezt a filmet igazán szeretem
you are really nice
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igazán rendes vagy

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