14-Talking about your possessions

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question réponse
Do you have a car?
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Van autód?
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your car
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My car
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I have a car
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van autóm
do you have a pen?
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van egy tollad?
I have a red pen
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Van egy piros tollam
do you have a car?
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van autója?
do you have any siblings?
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Van testvéred?
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My brother's not home
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A testvérem nincs itthon
I take notes with a pen because it's easier to write with
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tollal jegyzetelek Mert könnyű vele írni
the car is very dirty
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az autó Nagyon koszos
in case of emergency press the red button
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veszhelyzet esetén nyomd meg a piros gombot
Red is my favorite color
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A piros a kedvenc színem

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