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question réponse
gdy ktoś wierzy w swoje atuty
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when someone believes in their strengths
zaproszony na
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invited to
nie przeczytała tego jeszcze
commencer à apprendre
she hasn't read it yet
chodzi mi o
commencer à apprendre
What I mean is
koniec końców
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all in all
niech pomyśle
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let me think/see
to o co mi chodzi to
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what I'm trying to say is
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to sum up
jakie masz poglądy na
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what are your views on
nie jestem tego taka pewna
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I'm not sure about that
nie do końca się zgadzam
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I do not entirely agree
tak naprawde...
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commencer à apprendre
to summarise
wierze w siebie
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I believe in myself
jestem pewna siebie
commencer à apprendre
I'm confident
nie jest dobrze odebrane
commencer à apprendre
is not well received

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