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mocne słońce
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unbroken sunshine
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scorching hot
rozkoszowanie się słońcem
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soaking up the sunshine
leje jak z cebra
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pouring with rain
Ulewny deszcz
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torrential rain
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freezing cold
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get soaked
przerwa w deszczu
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a break in the clouds
mocno pada deszcz
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rains heavily
gęsta chmura
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thick cloud
będzie padać
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looks like rain
wieje silny wiatr
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strong wind is blowing
pogarsza się pogoda
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weather deteriorates
gęsta/gęsta mgła
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thick/ dense fog
mała lokalna mgła
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patches of fog
mgła znika
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fog lifts
mgła/mgła robi się
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fog/ mist comes down
silne słońce
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strong sun
ulewny deszcz
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driving rain
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heavy rain
ciężki/świeży/rześki/gęsty/zacinający śnieg
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heavy/ fresh/ crisp/ thick/ driving snow
silny mróz
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hard frost
lekki mróz
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light frost
silny/silny/lekki/gryzący wiatr
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high/ strong/ light/ biting winds
wiatr przyspiesza
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the wind picks up
wiatr wieje/gwiżdże
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the wind blows/ whistles
dziwaczne/ niespodziewane warunki pogodowe nastąpiły
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freak weather conditions hit
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gale-force winds
zerwano dachy
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roofs were torn off
zburzone płoty
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fences blown down
rzeki wylewają
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rivers burst their banks
niespodziewane burze atakują
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freak storms devastate
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wiatr cichnie
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wind dies down
lekka przyjemna mgła
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A blankiet of fog
mocne zachmurzenie
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unbroken cloud
koc ze śniegu
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a blanket of snow

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