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The lion watched its prey for several minutes before it attacked. commencer à apprendre
Lew obserwował swoją ofiarę przez kilka minut, zanim zaatakował.
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The church had two belltowers and a beautiful big round dome painted blue. commencer à apprendre
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A fish uses a fin on either side of its body to propel and steer it through the water. commencer à apprendre
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I broke my leg and felt excruciating pain. commencer à apprendre
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The lawyer's argument was so compelling, the jury were all convinced by it immediately. commencer à apprendre
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I'm trying not to be resentful but Fred hurt me so badly, I just can't help. commencer à apprendre
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What are the factors that might inhibit the growth? commencer à apprendre
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Remember to stir the soup repetitively. commencer à apprendre
Pamiętaj, aby zamieszać zupę co jakiś czas.
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I think it's better to be reserved towards people you don't know. commencer à apprendre
Myślę, że lepiej być powściągliwym w stosunku do osób, których się nie zna.
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If you perform on stage you cannot be antsy. commencer à apprendre
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Kyle was a pushover back in middle school. commencer à apprendre
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Why is the light dim in your room? commencer à apprendre
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The plight of the refugees fleeing their war-torn country made everyone sad. commencer à apprendre
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I think we can dispense with all these cardboard boxes, don't you? We don't need them anymore. commencer à apprendre
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The land was so dry and barren, Emily didn't think it would make a good spot for growing vegetables. commencer à apprendre
Grunt był tak suchy i jałowy, że Emily nie sądziła, że będzie nadawać się pod uprawę warzyw.
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I was confined to my room for a month because I had pneumonia. commencer à apprendre
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Hollywood parties give you a chance to mingle with the rich and famous. commencer à apprendre
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The reign of the current king has been ten years, but his father ruled for fifty! commencer à apprendre
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The boulder dropped from the cliff and rolled down the hill with a mighty rumble. commencer à apprendre
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She is such a garrulous person, she never shuts up. commencer à apprendre
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Your antics are getting on my nerves. Stop right now! commencer à apprendre
I am going to dilute my wine a little with water. commencer à apprendre
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odszkodowanie, rekompensata
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fatum, śmierć, skazać na coś
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The goat was able to clamber all over the rocky mountainside. commencer à apprendre
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Spending too much time outdoors can have a detrimental effect on your health. commencer à apprendre
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Look at the petrol gauge in the car and tell me if we need to fill up the tank. commencer à apprendre
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The acrobat was very daring - he always pushed the limits of safety. commencer à apprendre
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przyzwoitość, dobre wychowanie
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podstępny, pozornie niewinny
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drażliwy, przewrażliwiony
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Not speaking the language can be a hindrance during your journey. commencer à apprendre
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spaczony, wypaczony (np. charakter, umysł)
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Schooners tend to have bowsprits, so they can increase their sail area. commencer à apprendre
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