10/23. MAY. 24

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ja przygotowuje się na triathlon
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I'm preparing for a triathlon
nie ćwicze tak ciężko jak wcześniej
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I don't exercise as hard as before
i wtedy przypomniałem sobie
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and then I remembered
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to było motywujące
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it was motivating
skupiałem się na rywalizacji
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I focused on competing
mam dobrą kondycje
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I'm in a good physical condition/ I'm in shape
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tor do biegania
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running track
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lubiący rywalizacje
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tempo biegu
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running pace
dąże do bycia najlepszym
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I strive to be the best
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on tylko robi to co do niego należy
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he's only doing his job
dylemat moralny
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moral dilemma
on spowodował problemy
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he caused problems
jeste wiele powodów
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there are many causes
nie chce żadnych nieporozumień
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I don't want any misunderstandings
musze mu uświadomić że
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I have to make him realize that
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dig - dug - dug
zlecić mu to
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order him to do it
kiedy wrócą dam im deser
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when they come back I will give them dessert

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