10 06.2022

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question réponse
nie spałam za dużo ostatniej nocy
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I didn't get much sleep last night
jestem rozczochrana
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My hair is all over the place
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to march
co robiłeś podczas swoich ostatnich wakacji
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what did you do during your last vacation
kiedy ostatnio pracowalaes bardzo ciężko
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when was the last time you worked incredibly hard
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ja nigdy tam nie byłam
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I have never been there
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low key
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High key
oni chcą aby przyjęcie było tak kameralne jak to tylko możliwe
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they want the funeral to be as low key as possible
tajna operacja militarna
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low key military operation
chce aby moje przyjęcie było kameralne
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I want to keep my party low key
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to exaggerate
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A Brit
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dosłowne znaczenie
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literal meaning
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to nie jest dosłownie prawda
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this is not literally true
utknęłam w korku na zawsze
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I was stuck in traffic forever
marze o kubku kawy
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i am dying for a cup of coffee
marzę o + rzeczownik
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i am dying for
marze o + czasownik
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i am dying to
marzę aby go poznac
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I am dying to meet him
zeby mnie bardzo bolą
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My tooth is killing me
mam tysiac maili do zapoznania
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I have a thousand of emails to reply to
telefon na kartę
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Pay as you go phone
zawarty w
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included in
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a conductor
While + past continuous (was/were czasownik z ing
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While + past continuous (was / were verb with ing
podczas gdy orkiestra grała telefon dzwonil
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while the orchestra was playing the phone Was ringing
podczas gdy orkiestra grała telefon zadzwonił
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while the orchestra was playing the phone rang
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A rington
wyrzucić kogoś
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throw somebody out
wskazać na kogoś
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to point at somebody
nie pokazuj na mnie palcem
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don't point at me
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dystyngowani ludzie
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distinguished people
nigdy nie byłam na takim koncercie
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I have never been to such a concert
nie przemawia do mnie
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does not appeal to me
nie przepadam za tym
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It is not my cup off tea
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to wymaga dużej odwagi by zrobić coś takiego
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it takes a lot of courage to do such a thing
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sala koncertowa
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concert hall
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nie wolno Ci tego robić
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you mustn't do it
polityka firmy
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company's policy
nie wolno tu palić
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you mustn't smoke here
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to ban sth
gdybym się znalaz l w takiej sytuacji
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if I found myseld in such a situation
Tryb warunkowy gdybanie
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if + past simple (2ga forma), would
Dobry sprzedawca wie jak zachwalic swój produkt
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A good salesmen knows how talk up his product
tryskam dzisiaj energia
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I'm full of beans today

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