1. on the plane

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10:00 (10.00 a.m.)
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ten o'clock in the morning
18:15 (06.15 p.m.)
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a quarter past six in the afternoon
22:30 (10.30 р.m.)
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half past ten in the evening
05:05 (05.05 a.m.)
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five past five in the morning
08:10 (08.10 a.m.)
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ten past eight in the morning
20:28 (08.28 p.m.)
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twenty eight minutes past eight in the evening
Scusatemi, potreste dirmi che ore sono?
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Excuse me, could you please tell me what time it is?
Sono le 10 circa.
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It's about 10 o'clock.
- Scusi, che ore sono? - Non lo so, mi dispiace.
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- Excuse me, what time is it please? - I don't know, sorry.
Sono le 9.
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It's 9 o'clock.
Sono quasi le quattro e un quarto.
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It's almost a quarter past four.
Andiamo! Sono le 7 e mezza.
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Come on! It's half past seven.
- A che ora parte il treno? - Alle tre meno venti.
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- What time does the train leave? - At twenty to three.
- Quando arriva il volo? - A mezzanotte.
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- What time does the flight arrive? - At midnight.
- A che ora è la partita? - Circa alle sei.
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- What time is the match? - At about six.
- Che ora è? - È presto, non ti preoccupare.
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- What time is it? - It's early, don't worry.
È tardi.
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It's late.
Sono le cinque meno dieci. È ora di andare!
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It's ten to five. It's time to go.
Gradisce qualcosa da bere?
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Would you like something to drink?
Abbiamo tè, caffè, birra, superalcolici, acqua, succo di frutta e limonata.
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We have tea, coffee, beer, spirits, water, juice and lemonade.
Vorrei un bicchiere di acqua.
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I would like a glass of water, please.
Naturale o gassata?
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Still or sparkling?
Ghiaccio e limone?
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Ice and lemon?
Cosa vorrebbe, signora?
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What would you like, madam?
Un caffè, per favore, con latte e senza zucchero.
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A coffee, please with milk and no sugar.
Vuole un po' di torta? (offerta)
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Would you like some cake/pie?
Posso avere un po' di torta? (richiesta)
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Can I have some cake/pie?
1. Sì, grazie. 2. No, grazie.
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1. Yes, please/yes, thank you. 2. thank you.
- Un hamburger? - Sì, grazie.
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- A hamburger? - Yes, please.
Un tè e un caffè, per favore.
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A tea and a coffee, please.
Un chilo di banane, per favore.
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A kilo of bananas, please.
- Un po' di latte? - No, grazie.
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- Some milk? - No, thank you.
Due birre, per favore.
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Two beers, please.
- Un po' di zucchero nel tè? - Sì, grazie. Due cucchiaini.
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- Some sugar in your tea? - Yes, please. Two spoonfuls.
- Grazie mille. - Prego.
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- Thanks a lot! - You're welcome.
- Ancora un po' di torta? - No, grazie.
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- Some more cake/pie? - No, thank you.
- Delle patatine fritte, per favore. - Ketchup? - Sì, grazie.
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- Some chips, please. - Some ketchup? - Yes, please.
Posso avere un'altra birra, per favore? Questa è troppo calda.
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Can I have another beer, please? This one is too warm.
Mi scusi, signore, desidera qualcosa da mangiare o da bere?
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Excuse me, Sir. Would you like anything to eat and drink?
Abbiamo una selezione di bibite, birra e vino.
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We've got a selection of soft drinks, beer and wine.
Ci sono/Abbiamo anche alcuni snack.
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Plus there are also/we also have some snacks.
Oh, certo. Posso avere una birra?
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Oh, yeah sure. Can I get a beer?
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You sure can.
Desidera qualcosa da mangiare oltre alla birra?
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Would you like anything to eat with your beer?
Si, delle patatine, se le avete.
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Yeah, I'd like some chips if you've got them.
Si, eccole.
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OK. Here you are.
Mi scusi, di dov'è?
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Sorry, where are you from?
È americano, vero?
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You're American, right?
No, sono italiano!
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No! I'm Italian!
Assistente di volo
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Flight attendant

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