1-minute motivation

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zależny od czegoś
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to be dependent on/upon somebody/something
Your success is dependent upon how you use the 24 hours.
słuchajcie mnie
commencer à apprendre
listen TO me
do not say: listen me
Nie obchodzi mnie.
commencer à apprendre
I don't care.
Idon't care how much money you make.
commencer à apprendre
to make money / to earn
commencer à apprendre
The difference between A and B is...
być spłukanym / nie mieć pieniędzy
commencer à apprendre
to be broke
commencer à apprendre
She uses her 24 hours wisely.
To wszystko.
commencer à apprendre
That's it.
commencer à apprendre
to grow up
być na studiach
commencer à apprendre
to be in college
commencer à apprendre
ktoś, kto rzucił szkołę
rzucić szkołę
commencer à apprendre
a dropout
I dropped out of university after the first semester. / I got a job so I will drop out of college. (NiV)
to drop out
szkoł średnia
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high school
a high school dropout
brać się w garść
commencer à apprendre
to get a grip on yourself
I just think he ought to get a grip on himself - he's behaving like a child. (NiV)
do końca życia
commencer à apprendre
for the rest of your life
harmonogram / plan zajęć
commencer à apprendre
a schedule
za pięć lat
commencer à apprendre
in 5 years
za dziesięć lat
commencer à apprendre
in 10 years

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