1 : greetings

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Good morning
How is the morning?
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Naka suba sì?
Naka suba bì?
Today is going well
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Suba sa ng fi
Did you sleep well?
DId you sleep in peace?
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Ja munga fanaane?
universal answer to any greeting
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Jàmm rek
Yes, I slept in peace
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Wow, fanan na sì jama
And you?
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Yow nak? A ki yow?
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How is the afternoon?
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Naka beichek bi?
The afternoon is fine
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Beichek bangi fi
How is the night?
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Naka gudi ssì
The night is fine
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Gudi san gi fì
General greeting
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Nanga def
Casual greeting
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I am ok
answer to general greeting
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Maa ngi cool
Standard muslim greeting
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Assalam Aleikum
Standard muslim reply
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Aleikum Salaam
How is your family?
standard greeting to someone who lives with his family
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Naka san jabot
How are your surroundings?
Standard greeting to someone who lives separated from his family
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Naka sen wa ker?
They are in peace
Standard reply to family greeting
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Ñun si jama
They are here
standard reply to family greeting, when they are fine, at your home
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Ñungi fi
They are there
When a person's family is somewhere else, e.g. back in Africa
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Ñungi fa

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