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Ona pisze teraz list
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She is writing a letter now
On mówi po francusku teraz
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He is speaking French now
Czekam na moje jedzenie
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I am waiting for my food
Moja żona próbuje spać
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My wife is trying to sleep
Robię koszyk dla mojej mamy
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I am making a basket for my mom
Czekamy na ciebie
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We are waiting for you
Dotykasz mnie
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You are touching me
Dziewczyna dotykała psa
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The girl was touching the dog
Robisz kawę
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You are making coffee
Ta książka jest o robieniu koszyków
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This book is about making baskets
Kobieta robi czapkę
A, a
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A woman is making a hat
Mój kot idzie za mną
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My cat is following me
Dlaczego ten koń idzie za brązowym niedźwiedziem?
the, the
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Why is the horse following the brown bear?
Dokąd mnie zabierasz?
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Where are you taking me?
Zabieramy dzieci do szkoły
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We are taking the children to school
Zabieram jedzenie do domu
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I am taking the food home
Tamten pies idzie za mną bo mnie lubi
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That dog is following me because he likes me
Mówimy do kota
rozmawiamy, nie talking, a
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We are speaking to a cat
Chwilę, on mówi
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Just a moment, he is speaking
Uwzględniam cię na liście
włączam, in
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I am including you in the list
Oni wliczali całe państwo
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They were including the whole country
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We are thinking
Ona myślała o tobie każdego dnia
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She was thinking about you every day
Co on mówi?
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What is he saying?
Co on mówi o twoim pomyśle?
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What is he saying about your idea?
Co mówisz?
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What are you saying?

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