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walk over to
he walked over to him
Zgadza się
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that's right
Chciałbym z tobą porozmawiać
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I'd like to speak with you
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pokój przesłuchań
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interview room
czy jestem aresztowany?
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am I under arrested?
dobrze cos zrozumiec
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to get sth correct
na tym etapie
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at this stage
to wszystko zatem
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that's it then
sekcja zwłok
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post mortem
co podpowiada ci instynkt
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what do your instincts tell you
byc notowanym (przez policję)
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have a police record
czy był w więzieniu
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has he been to prison?
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as well
rzuć okiem
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have a look trough
brak stałego adresu
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no fixed adress
na koszt firmy
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on the house
kontuar, lada, bufet
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grow weak
nie to mówimy
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that's not what we're saying
musimy zadać więcej pytań
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we need to make some more enquiries
jest w nim coś, co wzbudza we mnie podejrzenia
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there is sth about him that makes me suspicious
być współpracującym
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be co-operative
być dla kogoś surowym/ostrym
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be hard on sb
daj komuś znać
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let sb know
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rolling pin
zamienic slowo z nim
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I'll have a word with him
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nie przechodzil(o)
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it wouldn't go away
guz, guzek
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iść na kontrolę do lekarza
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go for check-up
nie spiesz się
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take your time
Wpadałem na pogawędkę
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I would pop in for a chat
Nie całkiem
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Not really
zostawać w domu/nadal uczestniczyć w czymś
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stay in
większość czasu
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most of the time
słynie z czegoś
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famous for something
absolwent uniwersytetu
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graduate from university
dyplom z wyróżnieniem
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first class degree
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rent out
the properties which are not hotels are often rented out
sb who rents a house or another property
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I've listed theirs names and adress
a protestant priest
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koledzy z armii
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army mates
Centrum Medyczne
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medical centre
The act of attacking or disturbing sth
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czas do domu zatem?
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Home time then?
w tym wypadku
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in that case
pilot od telewizora
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remote control
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turn off
późno, o późnej porze
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late in the day
sorry to call you so late in the day
czuć się trochę kiepsko
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feel a bit rough
wszedzie, w calym
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all over
badać kogos
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check sb out
daj komuś znać
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let sb know
byc w kontakcie, skontaktowac sie z kims
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get it touch with sb
zdarzyło się komuś
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happen to sb/sth
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