08/16.09.22 90%

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teraz gram/nie gram
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I'm playing /I'm not playing
grałem/nie grałem wczoraj rano
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I was playing / I wasn't playing yesterday in the morning
Będe grał jutro o 16 / nie będe
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I will be playing tomorrow at 4pm / I won't be playing
w jaką gre będziesz jutro rano grał?
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what game will you be playing tomorrow morning?
Czy ty grasz? Grałeś? Będziesz grał?
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Are you playing? Were you playing? Will you be playing?
mówić kłamstwa
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tell lies
nie fair wobec innych ludzi
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unfair to other people
Robiłeś to? Co robiłeś?
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Were you doing it? What were you doing?
Czy współpracownicy są obecni?
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Are co-workers present?
dlaczego pytasz?
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why do you ask?
mamy opóźnienie w dostawie sprzętu
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we have a delay in delivery of the equipment
jak długie jest opóźnienie?
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how long is the delay?
termin nas goni
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the deadline is tight
nie mamy wyboru
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we have no choice
nie mamy wystarczającej liczby pracowników
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we don't have enough employees
z mojego punktu widzenia
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from my point of view
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a politician
rozśmieszyć go
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make him laugh
być dyspozycyjnym
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be available

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