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question American English réponse American English
Her idea of building a house on the moon was a UNREALISTIC notion.
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Her idea of building a house on the moon was a FANCIFUL notion.
The project seemed exciting at first, but it eventually GRADUALLY failed before completion.
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The project seemed exciting at first, but it eventually FIZZLED before completion.
Flatter to Deceive
The salesman COMPLEMENTED TO MISLEAD, making the product seem better than it actually was
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The salesman FLATTERED TO DECEIVE, making the product seem better than it actually was
They tried to RUN AWAY to safety as quickly as they could.
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They tried to FLEE to safety as quickly as they could.
His STRENGTH during the crisis inspired the entire team.
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His FORTITUDE during the crisis inspired the entire team.
Sometimes it feels POINTLESS trying to please everyone.
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Sometimes it feels FUTILE trying to please everyone.
The leader’s call for action STIMULATED the team to work harder on the project.
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The leader’s call for action GALVANIZED the team to work harder on the project.
Get the Ball Rolling
You and a friend discussing starting a group project.
Let’s START IT AND GET IT MOVING now, and they can join in when they’re here.
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Let’s GET THE BALL ROLLING now, and they can join in when they’re here.
Getting Off on the Right Foot
We STARTED OFF WELL with our new team members by having a productive first meeting.
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We GOT OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT with our new team members by having a productive first meeting.
Give It Your Best Shot
Even though the competition was tough, I TRIED AS HARD AS POSSIBLE
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Even though the competition was tough, I GAVE IT MY BEST SHOT
They were LAUGHING LOUDLY at his jokes, filling the room with loud, hearty laughter.
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They were GUFFAWING at his jokes, filling the room with loud, hearty laughter.
gutted with
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I’m GUTTED WITH that result!
MAKE USE OF the team’s creativity effectively to solve the problem.
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HARNESS the team’s creativity effectively to solve the problem.
Did you hear his response about the project? He really tried to AVOID GIVING his answer.
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Did you hear his response about the project? He really tried to HEDGE his answer.
How on earth is it possible
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that he completed the task in such a short time?
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HOW ON EARTH IS IT POSSIBLE that he completed the task in such a short time?
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The HOWLING wind made it impossible to sleep last night
Hunched Over
She was BENDING FORWARD over her laptop, focusing intensely.
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She was HUNCHED OVER her laptop, focusing intensely.

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