07 sierpień

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question réponse
it's a rainy day
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es un día lluvioso
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las plantas
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we have had
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hemos tenido
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the plants are withered
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las plantas estan marchitas
what is your weather like today?
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como es tu clima ahora
cold days
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los días frios
light wind
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to another part of the country
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a otra parte del país
If you lived
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si vivieras
each time
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cada vez
each time you want to leave
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cada vez que quieres salir
warm clothes
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ropa calida
to get warm
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el abrigo
warm clothes
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la ropa para abrigarse
all the clothes
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toda la ropa
it's annoying
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es molesto
go out of the house
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salir de la casa
when I realized
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cuando me di cuenta
look after yourself (for me)
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te me cuidas
wake up, sunrise
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to meet someone, to know someone
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conocer a alguien
start to do something
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empezara a hacer algo

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