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question réponse
o programma
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the program
o usuário
O usuário precisa de uma senha.
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the user
The user needs a password.
O usuário precisa de uma senha.
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The user needs a password.
a televisão
Vejo televisão.
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the television
I watch TV.
as televisões
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the televisions
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switch off
desligar o computador
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turn off the computer
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O usuário pode programar a televisão para desligar automaticamente.
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The user can program the television to turn off automatically.
a pergunta
Eu obtive uma resposta para a minha pergunta.
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the question
I got a response to my question.
Eu obtive uma resposta para a minha pergunta.
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I got an answer to my question.
commencer à apprendre
to get
a resposta
Quero uma resposta.
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the answer
I want an answer.
Quero uma resposta.
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I want an answer.
a resposta a por que? é porque
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the answer to why? it's because
a obra
Ela é uma artista cuja obra eu admiro.
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The work
She is an artist whose work I admire.
Ela é uma artista cuja obra eu admiro.
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She is an artist whose work I admire.
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uma artista
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an artist
Sempre admirei essa mulher.
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to admire
I've always admired this woman.
Sempre admirei essa mulher.
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I've always admired this woman.
o governo
Em alguns países o presidente é o chefe do governo.
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the government
In some countries the President is the head of the government.
Em alguns países o presidente é o chefe do governo.
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In some countries the president is the head of the government.
o chefe
O meu chefe é asiático.
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the boss
My boss is Asian.
O meu chefe é asiático.
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My boss is Asian.
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asian -man / asian-woman
o número
Qual é o teu número de telefone?
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the number
What's your phone number?
Qual é o teu número de telefone?
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What's your phone number?
commencer à apprendre
Eu numerei as páginas consecutivamente.
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I have numbered the pages consecutively(one after another).
a página
Eu numerei as páginas consecutivamente.
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the page
I have numbered the pages consecutively.
a página da internete
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the internet page
a internete
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the internet
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consecutively (one after another without interuption)
o ponto
Ele mencionou pontos importantes durante a reunião.
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the point
He mentioned important points during the meeting.
Ele mencionou pontos importantes durante a reunião.
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He mentioned important points during the meeting.
o ponto mais alto de um lugar
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the highest point of a place
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apex (top or highest part of something)
o lar
A minha vida doméstica está a afetar o meu trabalho.
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the home
My home life is affecting my work.
A minha vida doméstica está a afetar o meu trabalho.
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My home life is affecting my work.
a minha vida
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my life
A tua ação afetou os teus colegas.
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to affect
Your action has affected your colleagues.
A tua ação afetou os teus colegas.
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Your action affected your colleagues.
a ação
Gosto de filmes de ação.
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the action
I like action movies.
Gosto de filmes de ação.
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I like action movies.
doméstico / interno (para país)
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domestic(generally) / domestic (for country)
a água
Não te esqueças de levar uma garrafa de água.
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the water
Don't forget to take a bottle of water with you.
Náo te esquesças de levar uma garrafa de água.
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Don't forget to bring a bottle of water.
Beber água é uma necessidade vital.
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Drinking water is a vital need.
a necessidade
Eu tenho uma necessidade especial.
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the necessity
I have a special need.
Eu tenho uma necessidade especial.
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I have a special need.
É uma oferta especial.
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It's a special offer.
É uma oferta especial.
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It is a special offer.
a oferta
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the offer
Eu fiz uma oferta.
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I made an offer.
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vital (absolutely necessary; essential)
o quarto
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the room
Onde fica o meu quarto?
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Where is my room?
Eu reservei um quarto individual em Lisboa.
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I booked a single room in Lisbon.
reservar uma mesa
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to book a table
reservar um quarto
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to book a room
reservar um lugar
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to reserve a place
Nós devemos reservar um hotel cedo antes que os preços subam.
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We'd better book a hotel soon before the prices go up.
Nós devemos reservar um hotel cedo antes que os preços subam.
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We must book a hotel early before prices go up.
commencer à apprendre
to move up
a zona
A área está dividída em zonas diferentes.
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the zone
The area is divided in into different zones.
A área astá dividída em zonas diferentes.
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The area is divided into different zones.
o dinheiro
Os visitantes querem levantar dinheiro do multibanco.
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the money
The guests want to take some money from the ATM.
Os visitantes querem levantar dinheiro do multibanco.
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Visitors want to withdraw money from the ATM.
Odeio levantar pesos.
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to get up
I have to lift weights.
levantar pesos
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to lift weights
O meu amigo me deve dinheiro.
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My friend owes me money.
Deves ter cuidado!
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to owe
You should be careful!
Deves ter cuidado!
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You must be careful!

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