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We have no coffee.
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Nie mamy kawy.
There is no milk in the fridge.
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W lodówce nie ma mleka.
There is no money in the budget.
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W budżecie nie ma pieniędzy.
We don’t have any coffee.
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Nie mamy kawy.
There isn’t any milk in the fridge.
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W lodówce nie ma mleka.
There isn’t any money in the budget.
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W budżecie nie ma pieniędzy.
We have some coffee.
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Mamy trochę kawy.
There is some milk in the fridge.
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W lodówce jest trochę mleka.
There is some money in the budget.
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W budżecie jest trochę pieniędzy.
Is there some money in the budget?
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Czy są jakieś pieniądze w budżecie?
Do we have some coffee? / Have we got some coffee?
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Mamy kawę? / Mamy kawę?
Do we have any coffee? / Have we got any coffee?
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Mamy kawę? / Mamy kawę?

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