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question réponse
share the same interests
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mają te same zainteresowania
sense of humor
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poczucie humoru
nasty habit
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paskudny nawyk
neat and tidy
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roar with laughter
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ryczeć ze śmiechu
break the law
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łamać prawo
painfully shy
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boleśnie nieśmiały
perfectly normal
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całkowicie normalne
have a laugh
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uśmiać się
have a day off
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mieć wolny dzień
high standards
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wysokie standardy
casual acquaintance
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przypadkowy znajomy
vivid imagination
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żywa wyobraźnia
deeply depressed
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głęboko przygnębiony
free spirit
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wolny duch
good company
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dobre towarzystwo
highly inteligent
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wysoce inteligentny
supremely confident
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wyjątkowo pewny siebie
set high standards
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wyznaczyć wysokie standardy
bitterly disappointed
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gorzko rozczarowany
halthy lifest
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najzdrowsze życie
burst into tears
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rozpłakać się
lights go out
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gasną światła
reach an agreement
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dojść do porozumienia
be the center of attention
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być w centrum uwagi
not required
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nie wymagane

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