Vegetables - Dārzeņi

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Botanically, it is a fruit but considered to be a vegetable in the culinary sense.
He doesn't like squash's taste.
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Viņam nepatīk ķirbja garša.
Carrot contain a lot of beta-carotene.
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Burkāns satur daudz beta-karotīnu.
Beans are basic product of British cuisine.
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Pupiņas ir britu virtuves pamatprodukts.
Brussels sprout
As a child I hated Brussels sprout.
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Briseles kāposts
Būdams bērns, es ienīdu Briseles kāpostus.
sea lettuce
We do not have sea lettuce.
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jūras zāles
Mums nav jūras zāles.
sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are getting more and more popular.
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saldais kartupelis
also: batāte
Saldais kartupelis paliek arvien populārāks.
Chop the dill finely.
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Dilles sagriez smalki.
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