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emiliarzemieniewska emiliarzemieniewska

Utilisation de VocApp2588jours. J'apprends de VocApp1jours, y compris de façon constante depuis0jours. Je suis l'auteur25ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2022-10-08 19:34:40.

Mes intérêts

angielski, anglais

Mes fiches

Moja pierwsza lekcja
Lesson 1
Lessson 2
Lesson 3 (Countries)
Lesson 4 (Classroom language - words and phrases)
Lesson 4 (Classroom language - phrases)
Lesson 5 (instructions in your book)
At the hotel. (Questions and statements Receptionists say)
At the hotel (Questions and statements Guests say)
Unit 2a - Things on the desk
Unit 2c - Imperatives
Unit 3a - verb phrases
Unit 3b - Jobs
Unit 4b - everyday activities
Lesson 4 (Asking for personal information)
Unit 2b - Adjectives
Unit 4a - Family
Unit 2b/2c - Adjectives
Unit 5a/5b - verb phrases
Unit 5C - the weather
Unit 1 Numbers & Days of the week
Unit 6 - Music
Unit 6 - nouns
Unit 6 - nouns and verbs
Unit 1 - Nationalities

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