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wojciechmyc wojciechmyc

Utilisation de VocApp2741jours. J'apprends de VocApp752jours, y compris de façon constante depuis0jours. Je suis l'auteur26ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2025-03-27 22:31:31.

Mes intérêts

angielski, anglais

Mes fiches

project eng
Kuba lesson
law 1 the field of play
law 2 the ball
law 3 the players
law 4 the players equipment
law 5 the referee
law 6 the other match offical
law 7 the duration of the match
verb project english
the start and restart of play
law 10 determing the outcome of a match
law 11 offside
law 8 the start and restart of play
law 10 determining the outcome of the game
law 12 fouls and misconduct
law 14 penalty kick
law 15 throw in
advertisement przymiotniki
go best
cake lessons
szlifuj swoj ang
szlifuj ang b1

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