0 Personne aime ça. Polub!

Plaszek Plaszek

Utilisation de VocApp4366jours. J'apprends de VocApp288jours, y compris de façon constante depuis0jours. Je suis l'auteur31ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2023-10-28 16:28:14.

Mes intérêts

angielski, anglais, espagnol

Mes fiches

EViU2 - 061: Clothes
EViU2 - 061: Clothes (ENG -> ENG)
EViU2 - 062: Shops and shopping
EViU2 - 062: Shops and shopping (ENG->ENG)
EViU2 - 060: Health: injuries
EViU2 - 063: Food
EViU2 - 063: Food (ENG->ENG)
EViU2 - 064: Cooking and restaurants
EViU2 - 064: Cooking and restaurants (ENG->ENG)
The Guardian Weekly
EViU2 - 065: City live (ENG -> ENG)
EViU2 - 065: City life
EViU2 - 066: Life in the country (ENG -> ENG)
EViU2 - 066: Life in the country
EViU2 - 067: On the road
EViU2 - 067: On the road (ENG -> ENG)
EViU2 - 078: Newspapers
EViU2 - 058: Money
EViU2 - 059: Health - illness
EViU2 - 079: Television
6B: See the film... get on a plane
2015-01-20 - the guardian
NEF Upper-Intermediate: 1A
NEF Upper-Intermediate: 1B
NEF Upper-Intermediate: 1C
Unit 1
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